| ‘The Matrix Reloaded’: A review of expert knowledge use for mapping ecosystem services Ecosystem service research covers a challenging socio-ecological complexity and simultaneously copes with a high policy demand for decision support in sustainable resource management. This stimulates proliferation of pragmatic modeling techniques, such as the matrix model: ecosystem service supply is modeled using expert estimations per land use or land cover class. The matrix models popularity proves its main strengths (efficient, fast, accessible and adaptable), but also entails risks for scientific credibility and legitimacy of its results and ecosystem service assessments in general. Some of the main methodological critiques on the matrix model can be addressed especially by including measures of confidence, traceability, reliability, consistency and validity. This review presents recommendations and encourages these to become standard practise in future applications of the matrix model and related techniques.
Additionally, we argue that an extended matrix model could provide more than only scientifically sound and politically legitimate results. It could serve as a tool to improve cooperation between natural and social sciences, experts, stakeholders and decision makers: collaborative development of the matrix model contributes to transdisciplinary ecosystem service research aimed at effective implementation and action. | 987.49KB | 08.04.2015 | Margarita Grudova | LEGATO RELEVANT SCIENTIFIC PAPERS | |
 | Zhongxian Lu - Flowers on bunds
| 2.41MB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | Zengrong Zhu - Ecological Engineering in China
| 5.02MB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | Yuzuru Isoda - Rice terrace expansion and their productivity in Sapa
| 15.78MB | 19.06.2013 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Hanoi April 2013 | |
 | Yuzuru Isoda - Human communities in Sapa
| 1.07MB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | WorkingGroup2
| 266.78KB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | Witjaksono - Pests & Diseases
| 1.35MB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | What is the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and where is it going? The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an agroecological methodology for increasing the
productivity of irrigated rice by changing the management of plants, soil, water, and nutrients
(SRI-Rice Website). This description is rather general and IRRI is often asked, What is SRI
“really,” is it scientifically proven, does it produce higher yields and higher resource-use
efficiencies, what is the difference with other best management practices, and what is IRRI’s
stand on SRI? This paper tries to provide some answers to these questions. It examines the
origins and original principles of SRI, scientific support for its principles, its spread beyond its
country of origin, its implementation and adoption in practice, and finally some conclusions and
suggested ways forward. | 203.78KB | 30.05.2013 | Margarita Grudova | LEGATO RELEVANT SCIENTIFIC PAPERS | |
 | Westphal Pollination Talk Haikou 20130417
| 7.75MB | 17.04.2013 | Catrin Westphal | WP 2.2 Pollination | |
 | Westphal (Strand 2)
| 5.86MB | 26.06.2011 | | The First 6 Months | |
 | Weeds of Rice in Asia
| 17.12MB | 10.04.2014 | Catrin Westphal | Field guides plants | |
 | Weeds and endangered herbs have unforeseen dispersal helpers in the agrienvironment: gastropods and earthworms Agri-environmental schemes involving organic farming or set-aside management aim at promoting biodiversity and
restoring ecosystem functioning in agrarian landscapes. Application of pesticides in these crop fields is strongly regulated
facilitating the spread of weeds but also allowing for the establishment of endangered herbs and a variety of animals.
Recent studies found gastropods and earthworms to be legitimate dispersers of seeds of wild plants. We assumed that
both groups also play a significant role in the spread and establishment of wild plants within crop fields. Therefore, we are
conducting a series of experiments in three different study systems on (1) the role of earthworms and gastropods as
dispersers of rare herbs and weeds in an organic rye field in Germany, (2) the seed feeding behavior of gastropods of
plants sown in fallow ground in Switzerland, and (3) weed dispersal in irrigated rice fields by golden apple snails in the
Philippines. | 180.43KB | 12.02.2013 | Margarita Grudova | LEGATO RELEVANT SCIENTIFIC PAPERS | |
 | Weeds
| 3.43MB | 10.04.2014 | Catrin Westphal | Field guides plants | |
 | Watcharapongchai Atthawit - BRIA
| 2.39MB | 13.06.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | Vu Kim Chi - Crop yield in Sapa
| 969.61KB | 11.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Yogyakarta March 2015 | |
 | VSU
| 2.8MB | 26.06.2011 | | Introduction, Project Overview and Partnership | |
 | Volker Grescho - User-generated content for Geodata and citizen science
| 875.37KB | 19.06.2013 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Hanoi April 2013 | |
 | Volker Grescho - LEGATO Geoserver & SPOT5 land use classification
| 1.77MB | 19.06.2013 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Hanoi April 2013 | |
 | Vo Mai - Ecological engineering beyond rice.pdf
| 380.1KB | 12.05.2015 | Martin Wiemers | LEGATO Meeting Ho Chi Minh City March 2014 | |
 | VN_sites bundle V 1.0 (37.101kb) The VN_sites bundle contains the following files:
- VN.kml (site in Vietnam)
- VN_15kmx15km.kml (study areas VN1 - VN4)
- VN_ways_to_sites.kml (ways to the rice fields)
- VN_rice_fields.kml (riche fields)
- images (geocoded photos) | 36.23MB | 26.06.2013 | Volker Grescho | REGIONS | |
 | VN_4 Study area VN_4, Google Earth Overview | 2.33MB | 01.03.2012 | Volker Grescho | VN_4 | |
 | VN_3 Study area VN_3, Google Earth Overview | 3.43MB | 01.03.2012 | Volker Grescho | VN_3 | |
 | VN_2 Study area VN_2, Google Earth Overview | 2.99MB | 01.03.2012 | Volker Grescho | VN_2 | |
 | VN_1
| 2.68MB | 01.03.2012 | Volker Grescho | VN_1 | |
 | Vidal Strand 2 Biological Control and Pollination
| 1.4MB | 13.07.2012 | Pavel Stoev | Presentations_4_July | |