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'Governance of Ecosystem Services' - Workshop and Special Issue 10.03.2014 - 14.3.2014 |
Place: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Joint workshop and an envisioned special issue on “Governance of Ecosystem Services: Challenges for Sustainable Development”, hosted by Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Frankfurt a.M. (BiK-F), TU Berlin, and the Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) on 10 & 11 March 2014 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The workshop and the special issue contribute to the work of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Thematic Working Group on ‘Governance and Institutional Aspects’, and will focus on the changes, challenges and opportunities the concept of Ecosystem Services has brought about in environmental governance.
Of particular interest are the following questions:
- How has the introduction of the concepts of biodiversity and ES changed modes of governance?
- What are the underlying discourses and the actors driving these changes?
- How has this resulted in a change in the process of policy instrument development?
- Have these new modes of governance and policy instruments resulted in a more sustainable provision of biodiversity and ES?
- What are the challenges for future policy design and implementation?
Please find the call for papers at http://goo.gl/Na1zwh
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