International iDiv Summer School: Biodiversity Synthesis 23.08.2015 - 29.8.2015 |
Place: Leipzig, Germany
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Dates: from the 23rd to the 29th of August 2015
Lecturers: confirmed teachers include professors Jonathan Chase, Tiffany Knight, Nicole van Dam, Nico Eisenhauer, Stanley Harpole and Henrique Pereira
Target group: Doctoral researchers working with biodiversity topics and with a strong interest in biodiversity synthesis (also early-stage postdocs and advanced masters students can apply)
Programme: keynote lectures, discussions, field excursions, hands-on exercises, participant presentations and group work
Registration deadline: April 26th
Funding: funded slots will be available for a limited number of applicants thanks to support from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
For more information and registration instructions, please visit our website at: summerschool.idiv.de
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