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New Book: "Sustainable Land Management Programme" 07.12.2016 |
Being one of 12 regional projects in the global "Sustainable Land Management Programme" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, LEGATO aims to make its research results and reccomendations widely available for re-use. In order to disseminate the knowledge gained in these research projects to stakeholders, the project has noow contributed to a book titled "Making sense of research for sustainable land management" within the framework of the WOCAT approach (World Overview of Conservation Approaches & Technologies, www.wocat.net).
Part 1 of the book tries to synthesize the major research results on land management, mitigating climate change, protecting biodiversity, and ways to bridge gaps between research and practice.
Part 2 includes case studies from the different projects. LEGATO has contributed a technology on "Ecological engineering for biological pest control in lowland rice agroecosystems" which was compiled by Leo Marquez as well as an approach on "Entertainment-education for ecological engineering" compiled by Monina Escalada (see p. 263-270).
These case studies are also fed into the WOCAT knowledge databases (https://www.wocat.net/en/knowledge-base).
The book is available for free download on the WOCAT website at: https://www.wocat.net/makingsense
High resolution book (16.5 MB): https://www.wocat.net/fileadmin/user_upload/WOCAT_Glues.pdf
Low resolution book (11.1 MB): https://www.wocat.net/fileadmin/user_upload/WOCAT_Glues_low_version.pdf
Flyer (1.3 MB): https://www.wocat.net/fileadmin/user_upload/WOCAT_GLUES_Flyer_627x297.pdf
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