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Experienced Researcher - Land use, biofuels, and global biogeochemistry 30.06.2011 |
Within the Marie Curie ITN GRENCYCLESII, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is looking for applicants for the following research positions based in Potsdam, Germany:
Land use, biofuels, and global biogeochemistry
An Experienced Researcher (PhD) to investigate the effects of the growing demand for land from the production of food crops and biofuels and its influence on the coupled Earth system, in particular the biogeochemical responses and their climatic consequences. This includes the development of a parameterisation of biofuel crops for the dynamic vegetation model LPJmL and the global land and water use model MAgPIE. The successful candidate will actively participate in network-wide workshops and training events.
The position is expected to start on 1 October 2011 and run for 24 months. Applications should arrive before 1.7.2011, but will be also accepted until the position is filled.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a half-page statement of interest, copies of your high-school and academic certificates and the names of two referees to Prof. Wolfgang Cramer, preferably by e-mail (Wolfgang.Cramer(at)pik-potsdam.de) or by post (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PF 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany).
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