UNEP-WCMC: Towards a global map of natural capital
For the first time, a composite map of the world’s ecosystem assets has been produced, covering both marine and terrestrial realms. A report for the UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment by UNEP-WCMC presents global m...
Article Alert: Flower-visiting insects and their potential impact on transgene flow in rice
De-qiang Pu et al. (2014) Flower-visiting insects and their potential impact on transgene flow in rice. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1357-1365. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12299
- Rice is one of the most ...
Insect pollination and self-incompatibility in edible and/or medicinal crops in southwestern China, a global hotspot of biodiversity
An increasing global demand for food, coupled with the widespread decline of pollinator diversity, remains an international concern in agriculture and genetic conservation. In particular, there are large ...
Fully Funded PhD Studentship: "Resilience of agricultural ecosystems to biological invasions”
The Coventry University, UK offers a fully funded PhD studentship to carry out research in the area: "Resilience of agricultural ecosystems to biological invasions”.
This studentship is located within the newly-established...
IPBES Call for Submissions: Indigenous and Local Knowledge on pollination and pollinators associated with food production
The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is conducting a global assessment on pollination and pollinators associated with food production. In addition to scientific knowledge, this assessm...
Farmland biodiversity monitoring costs estimated
Monitoring biodiversity on farms is vital for conservation policies but how much does it cost? In a new pan-European study, researchers develop a standardised monitoring programme and estimate it will cost an average of ˆ8 20...
Job Alert: PhD Position –“Pollution and food safety, United Nations University
The United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) has announced a new PhD Position –“Pollution and food safety”(Doctoral Fellowship Award).
The position is associated with the DeltAdapt...
Job Alert: PhD Position –“Drivers of change", United Nations University
The United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security (UNU-EHS)announces a new PhD Position –“Drivers of change”(Doctoral Fellowship Award).
The position is linked with the DeltAdapt project - a BMB...
Article alert: Closing yield gaps: perils and possibilities for biodiversity conservation
Increasing agricultural productivity to ‘close yield gaps’ creates both perils and possibilities for biodiversity conservation. Yield increases often have negative impacts on species within farmland, but at...
Job alert: Lecturer in Agro-ecology and Sustainable Agriculture (University of Reading, UK)
University of Reading is seeking to appoint a talented individual capable of undertaking internationally competitive research and dynamic teaching in the area of agro-ecology and sustainable agriculture. The opportunity arise...
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