Article alert: Molecular diversity of Rice grassy stunt virus in Vietnam
Virus Genes (2013) 46(2): 383-386. doi: 10.1007/s11262-012-0845-3Ta HA, Nguyen DP, Causse S, Nguyen TD, Ngo VV, Hébrard ERice grassy stunt virus (RGSV, Tenuivirus) recently emerged on rice in Viet...
The Biodiversity Data Journal: Readable by humans and machines
The Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ - http://biodiversitydatajournal.com/) and the associated Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT - http://pwt.pensoft.net/), launched on 16th of September 2013, offer several innovations - some of them u...
Article alert: Neglecting Rice Milling Yield and Quality Underestimates Economic Losses from High-Temperature Stress
PLoS ONE (2013) 8(8): e72157. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072157Lyman NB, Jagadish KSV, Nalley LL, Dixon BL, Siebenmorgen T Future increases in global surface temperature threaten those worldwide who depend on...
LEGATO at the 6th International ESP Conference: New insights and future steps for rice ecosystem services
On August 28th the LEGATO project team held a successful workshop on rice ecosystem services and ecological engineering at the 6th Annual International Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) in Bali, Indonesia...
Article alert: Unravelling the physiologic and metabolic action of thiamethoxam on rice plants
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (2013) doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2013.08.001.Macedo, Willian Rodrigues, and Diego Kitahara AraújoWe investigated some physiological and biochemical effects promoted by t...
Article alert: Global Climate Change Adaptation Priorities for Biodiversity and Food Security
PLoS ONE (2013) 8(8): e72590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072590Hannah L, Ikegami M, Hole DG, Seo C, Butchart SHM, et al.International policy is placing increasing emphasis on adaptation to climate change, inc...
LEGATO will hold a workshop at the 6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013
The 6th Annual International ESP Conference will be held on 26-30 August 2013 in Bali, Indonesia. The emphasis of this 6th International ESP conference will be on the practical application of the ecosystem services concept in...
Ecosystem service mapping and modelling - new special issue shows big steps forward
Ecosystem services are a significant research and policy topic and there are many modelling and mapping approaches aimed at understanding the stocks, demands and flows of ecosystem goods and services on different scales. This...
Article alert: The role of Bh4 in parallel evolution of hull colour in domesticated and weedy rice
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2013) doi: 10.1111/jeb.12171Vigueira, C. C., Li, W. and Olsen, K. M.The two independent domestication events in the genus Oryza that led to African and Asian rice offer...
Article alert: Rice landrace diversity in Nepal
Socio-economic and ecological factors determining rice landrace diversity in three agro-ecozones of Nepal based on farm surveysBajracharya et al.In Nepal, in traditional rice farming systems many diverse land...
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